numeric character NC the description of the numeric character introduced in PS-RULE ODP4 is further described in ODP5 as one of the ideographs from the Chinese writing system representing cardinal values: 0) 〇, 1) 一, 2) 二, 3) 三, 4) 四, 5) 五, 6) 六, 7) 七, 8) 八, 9) 九, 10) 十, 20) 廿, 100) 百, 1000) 千; there are also other less commonly used ideographs with the same meaning: 0) 零, 1) 壹, 1) 弌, 1) 壱, 2) 貳, 2) 弍, 2) 鲮, 2) 弐, 2) 鲮, 2) 貮, 3) 叁, 3) 参, 3) 參, 3) 弎, 4) 肆, 5) 伍, 6) 陸, 6) 姓, 7) 柒, 8) 捌, 9) 玖, 10) 拾, 100) 佰, 100) 陌, 1000) 仟, 1) 豈 (Chinese long hand), 1) 豈 (same thing) 10) 拾 (Chinese long hand)