Newspaper Extracts Relating to the Miners’ Strike in Park City, Utah
October 1936–December 1936


The miners’ strike of 1936 occupied the minds and affected the lives of a good part of the population of Park City for a few weeks before Christmas of that year. But on no one did it have so profound and as lasting an effect than on the then Summit County sheriff Ephraim Adamson. What were the elements of this event that brought such a great tragedy into his life? In an effort to understand the situation better, sometime in 1997 one of his grandsons, Hal Gregerson, searched out and photocopied the newspaper accounts of the strike. While there were rumors that made the sheriff a scapegoat, the reader will find that Ephraim acted in the most reasonable, honest and straightforward manner.

[NB: Let me note two particulary annoying habits of the newpapers of those days: 1) the use of “asserted” where we now use “purported” to avoid libel, and 2) the spelling of “employee” with but one e in the suffix. My editorial prerogative has been to include headlines and incorporate them into the text; hence I was also somewhat put out by the Tribune’s habit of composing headlines from multiple paragraphs.]