5-4.2 Sensitivity of agreement/disagreement weights.

The disagreement weights are sensitive to reliability and insensitive to coincidence. Without accounting for value specificity the PGN-Code disagreement weight according to equation 4.7 is 7.30, corresponding to odds of 6 in a 1000. These weights are only slightly different depending on which values are in disagreement. For example, suppose one record has "Anna" and the second record has "Karen," both very common names. The complement to the coincidence value of the first is 0.9268 and of the second 0.9557. The reliability is not value specific and its difference from presence is 0.0062. The disagreement weight in this case calculates to 7.22. Suppose both names are unique with the very small coincidence value given above (a highly coincidental event). Its complement is 0.9999927 making the weight 7.33.