3.3 Terminal category symbols named. The terminal symbols are those appearing in lexical entries. In this list is included a set of words which should be found associated in the LEXICON with the category symbol in question. Those lists ending with an ellipsis are open classes. This means that it is possible that the language user will discover or invent a word to belong to this class, i.e., it is added to freely. The absence of an ellipsis indicates that the list is a relatively closed class, i.e., a set having only these words as members. The first chart relates to dates in the Western Calendars; the second, to dates in the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Calendars.
Symbol | Interpretation | Examples |
APP | approximative | about, before, after, circa, |
COM | comma | , |
CRD | cardinal number | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, |
DEC | the word decade | Decade |
DOW | day of week | Sunday, , Saturday |
EN | era name | A.D., B.C., C.E., |
FN | feast day name | St. Odilo,
, St. Sylvester Epiphany, , Christmas Advent, , Easter, , Trinity |
GN | given name of monarch | Henry, , Elizabeth, |
JCMP | complementary day | Genius, , Franciade |
MN | month of year | January, , December |
ORD | ordinal number | first, second, third, |
PRP | preposition | of |
REV | the words "the Republic" | the Revolution, la Revolution, |
RMN | Republican Calendar month name | Vendemaire, , Fructidor |
ROM | Roman numeral | I, II,III, IV, V, , |
RWD | Republican Calendar weekday name | Primidi, , Decadi |
SSH | forward slash | / |
SSN | season of year | Spring, , Winter |
YR | the word year | year, an, , |
Symbol | Interpretation | Examples |
C1 | initial cycle character | 甲, 乙, 丙, 丁, 戊, 己, 庚, 辛, 壬, 癸 |
C2 | final cycle character | 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 |
CH | the word chu | 初 (chu) |
CRD | cardinal number | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, |
DC | day character | 日 |
DK | day character (Korean) | 일 |
DYC | dynasty character | 朝 (chao), 紀 (ji) |
DYN | dynasty name | 蜀漢, , 太昊, , 清 |
EMP | emperor name | 昭烈帝, , 伏羲, , 遜帝 |
GRT | word for great | 大 |
INT | intercalary month character | 閏 |
MC | month character | 月 (yue) |
MK | month character (Korean) | 월 |
NC | numeric character | 〇 (=0), 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九, 十 (=10), 廿 (=20), 百 (=100), 千 (=1000), |
RGN | reign name | 章武, , 宣統 |
YC | year character | 年 (nian) |
YK | year character (Korean) | 년 |