2.9 Deviance. Abbreviations or misspellings are contained in the attribute called deviant. Sometimes these spellings are called simply variants or abnormal spellings. For a standard name all its various accepted name spellings and abnormal or erroneous spellings are variants of each other. Most misspellings may well be standards in the same group and can be designated as such automatically. Actual misspellings may have several corresponding correct forms the name text belonging to its standard. Deviants in general may be deviants of more than one standard name, but usually the different standards are in the same group. However an abbreviation that consists of a single letter (initial) is seldom unambiguous. It would seem advisable to consider an initial as a deviant of every standard name it might actually belong to. Going from name form to initial is a simple process of truncation that may populate the deviant attribute, but it could hardly be reversed without a rather specific context to guide it.