native type
locality type
type name
one or more words designating some specific kind of locality name; the n. t. is introduced in PS-RULE LP2, LP3, and LP4; in LP2 it appears to designate the type whereas another instance appears with the locality name, e.g., “Great Salt Lake City;” in LP3 it may be the true type, e.g., “(the) Red Sea,” or may not, e.g., “(the) Medical Lake,” which is a city; there is a small set of n. t. that prefer the order of the inverted locality phrase,, “point,” “cape,” “lake,” “mount,” “fort,” “county” (in Ireland); it is sometimes convenient to group the n.t. into near synonyms, as a town is like a village, a borough is like a city, or a fjord is an inlet; a j. is a non-geographic locality having a domain, i.e. certain controls over the population